Sunday, June 24, 2007

Family Vacation: Overview

We just got back from family vacation in the Black Hills, and I couldn't be happier (save for the fact that I start work again tomorrow).

Here are a few basic stats...
* Miles Driven: 1486
* Number of Emergency bathroom breaks: Only 1!!!! (still room for improvement...)
* Number of McDonald's that got our business: only 1!!!! (very last meal on the trip - Kiera's choice...)
* Number of speeding tickets: 0
* Number of cops seen on trip: at least a dozen
* Number of animals hit: 0 "large animals", but more bugs than I care to think about (big bugs too - especially on the windshield)
* Number of Wall Drug billboards passed: infinity + 1
* Numbers of stops at Wall Drug: 2
* Number of heart attacks: 6 - one each time I had to refill the minivan with gas
* Number of dates alone with my wife (thanks to Mema and Papa going along on the trip): 3
* Number of times we used the private hot tub at our cabin during week: 1
* Number of times I ate buffalo meat on vacation: 6 (buffalo burgers, buffalo ribs, buffalo steak, buffalo ribs, buffalo chili, and buffalo bratwurst)
* Number of souvenirs bought for family: a billion
* Number of souvenirs bought for me: 0
* Number of days I wore my ball cap without touching my hair: the entire trip
* Number of times all 4 kids slept the entire night without us having to get up: 1
* Number of digital pictures I brought home from vacation: 205 (doesn't include about as many pics taken on Nikki's camera)

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