Sunday, April 22, 2007

An Unexpected Stop: Hermann, MO

After my stop in Jeff City, I headed on to the little town of Linn, MO for my next meeting. I stopped to get gas after my meeting in town, and saw a "crack 'o man" I rather never seen. Thankfully, my camera wasn't handy, or else you'd be seeing more than you'd ever care to on this post.

These are different people in these parts, and since my meeting ended around 4:30, and I had a 2 hour drive back into St. Louis, I figure I'd take the scenic route rather than the highway in the hopes of coming across a few more of them.

I ended up driving through a little town called Hermann, MO. It's right on the Missouri River, and is one of the prettiest little towns I've ever seen. It was started by German settlers, apparently since it reminded them of the Rhine River Valley in their Motherland. This picture doesn't do justice. That's about a 150-200 foot view looking in the valley, with a little river running through it. I pulled over for a minute to take the picture, but the trees/shrubs were too much in the way.

I'd like to stop back at some point. Here's a link to the Hermann, Mo website if you're interested in seeing/learning more. There's a little slideshow that shows a few more pics of the town.

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