There are times when we shrug off common sense and let stupidity rule. This is such a tale.
You are looking at the remains of the Grenz family's 50 gallon garbage can AND 2 recycling containers. "What happened?" you ask? Here's the tale.
My parents were in town for the weekend. As part of the festivities, we built a fire in the copper cauldron in the backyard on Friday night. We decided to burn some more branches on Saturday afternoon (around 1pm), but needed to dispose of the ashes. The ashes weren't very hot - I could touch them with my hand - but when I went to put them into a garbage bag, they were warm enough to melt through the bag.
Thinking that these ashes weren't hot enough to melt our plastic garbage can's thick plastic, I went ahead and dumped them in anyway. I'm not a TOTAL idiot, I did check the can a couple times throughout the day, and there weren't any problems. I lifted the lid and put some garbage in the can at 9pm - didn't smell any smoke. When I went to leave for church at 8:30am, this is what I had.
My best guess is that there wasn't a fire, it just melted the plastic. The plastic became molten (like lava) and dripped down the slight grade of our driveway to melt the 2 recycling containers. I'm very thankful our vehicles weren't damaged - my truck was less than 3 feet away and sustained no damage. The plastic also was hot enough to liquify the asphalt on our driveway, so now we'll have some patching up to do.
Let this be a lesson boys and girls -
I'm not laughing. No really, I'm not.
you're not an idiot...you're an artist. That's art!
I might have put the ashes in the trash can but probably not the plastic trash bag. :-) Your story reminds me of the days when I used to change my own motor oil in my car. One time I was borrowing a friend's garage because it was winter and I didn't have one to change my oil in. I lined the oil pan with a plastic trash bag to prevent the pan from getting oily (why, I'm not sure). Anyway, when it was time to remove and dispose of the old oil I picked up the trash bag full of oil but not the oil pan. The bag immediately burst leaking all the oil out onto my friend's clean garage floor. Talk about stupidity.
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