Thursday, February 8, 2007

What's up with our downstairs

So we're trying to finish our basement. This very well could be the bane of my existence, but I'm hoping it doesn't get the best of me.

We moved into our current home in June 2003. Our reasons for moving were:
a. our old house was too small
b. said house only had 2 bedrooms
c. neither the lot or the neighborhood justified us adding more living space.

So we decided to move and found our current house on the perfect street on a perfect lot for us that was well within our range. The house is about the same square footage as our last house, but has an unfinished basement that allows us to nearly double our living space. Our plan was to finish the basement and then put an addtion on the house at some point in the future. Our present home also has just 2 bedrooms right now.

When we moved into our current house, only having 2 bedrooms wasn't a big deal. Karsten was close to 3 years old, and Kiera was only 9 months. Two bedrooms was very manageable then. Today we have SIX people sleeping in the same 2 bedrooms.

So here's my predicament: I've procrastinated. There, I admit it. Now because of this I have share a bedroom with 3 ladies: my wife, Teagan (sleeps in crib) and Avalyn (wherever is nearby and available and safe for a newborn to sleep). This arrangement cramps my style and doesn't make for ideal arrangements for anybody else at our house either.

Over the last few months progress has been made. Egress windows have been put in, most of the plumbing is done, demo of closets and a few interior walls has been checked off my list.

This weekend we begin framing. My cousin owns a framing company, and he's offered to help out. I bought the materials last night (dang, metal studs are NOT cheap.)

I'm hoping to have everything done by end of March.

Emphasis on hope...

More details, pictures, and updates to follow.

1 comment:

ngrenz said...

END of MARCH???!! Wishful thinking, eh?