Monday, February 5, 2007

First post: (again)

I have started several blogs in the past, and don't recall making a second post on any of them. While I consider myself to be fairly competent at following through on my commitments, this blogging thing has escaped my abilities.

Perhaps my chosen name "What Little Free Time I Have" will directly predestine this blog to the afterlife (whether blog heaven or blog hell you can decide).

Time is fleeting, and since I have: 1 amazing wife, 4 beautiful children, a job that requires that I travel extensively throughout the week, and several commitments in our community and church, Time is limited indeed. Case in point, my basement that took 3+ years to begin renovating, and shows only nominal signs of progress.

So I have a few reasons for starting a new blog:
  • a way to keep in contact with my wife and children, and them to keep in contact with me while I'm traveling. Since I travel, I figure it would be nice for them to see a lot of what I see throughout the week. While cities like St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Des Moines, and Green Bay may not be at the top of most people's "must see" vacation spots, there is a lot to see and do that I've come to appreciate and enjoy throughout my travels.
  • a way for me to update my extended family on my goings-on. Ask my parents or brother how good I am at emailing or calling, and they will probably pause a while to think of a kind answer about my communication habits.
  • a way to keep in contact with my friends. (hopefully no explanation is necessary.)
  • a way to remain in contact with my clients. I'm almost through reading Keith Ferrazzi's Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success One Relationship at a Time. This is a highly recommend book, especially for one who doesn't do a good job of keeping in contact with friends and relatives. One of the things Ferrazzi recommends is opening your personal life up to your existing and prospective clients, so maybe this blog will see some traffic in that regard.
  • a way to record what's going on in my life - for myself. Admittedly, my memory is failing as I find myself firmly in my 30's. I used to pride myself on having the hymns in church memorized (even some of the harmonies) as well as most the songs of MTV's video playlist in the late 80's (think Milli Vanilli - which I'm GLAD I can forget). Hopefully this blog will serve as a "this is your life" at some point in the future.

So there you have it. Are these enough reasons to post a second time? My limited time will tell. Leave a comment if you have any thoughts - or to leave me some encouragement to follow up with uncharted territory...the second post.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

I am THRILLED that you started a blog, so I'm gonna hold you to this one.

Really, it is a great way to keep in touch with family and friends. I don't get complaints anymore from faraway relatives wondering why I don't update them on what the kids are doing. And I love that I've been writing down the little details of life that I wouldn't ordinarily record. Of course, my kids are going to hate me once they realize what's going on.

By the way, Green Bay is on my "must see" list. Dude, don't go lumping The Great City in with Des Moines and Omaha.