Picking up where I left off...Comcast had gone 30 hours without fixing my phone when they said it would be finally "fixed" within 24 hours after 5+ weeks of ongoing problems. So due to travel and other commitments, I had it on my "to do" list yesterday to call Qwest and sign up for their DSL service. I would then cancel Comcast services once Qwest was running.
At around 8:13am yesterday, Comcast called to say they had fixed the problem. After a quick test of my own, I discovered he was right. This creates an interesting dilemma.
So...should I stick with my promise of cancelling, or should I stay with Comcast and avoid future hassles? Post your comments to let me know. I'll share my decision later.
I would go back to ATT just for the web-enabled forwarding features.
you know me too well, John. You're forcing me to tip my hand! That's my financial planner - he knows me well... :-)
I'm kinda stubborn that way, 'cuz I'd rather take a hit myself than put up with crap from someone giving me the run-around. I mean, I'll take a small hit (no sense cutting off your nose to spite your face).
Stick with Comcast now that it's working well. Maybe it was just the installation bugs that had to be worked out. If you get more problems you can always switch to another provider later. There are always deals available.
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