Normally I'm not the sort of person who likes to stick it to the man (save for my firm dislike for Wal-Mart, but that's another post perhaps), but Comcast is about to be added to my dubious list.
I've been a Comcast high speed internet customer for 5+ years. I've also had their local phone service for about the same amount of time. Overall they are good - when I have service problems or billing questions, I never have to wait long, and the people in the call centers are first rate.
But for the last 2 months, there have been all sorts of issues. They offered me a better rate and easier billing if I upgraded to their VOIP phone service. Only when I changed service did my Comcast problems happen:
These service problems have been going on for 5 weeks now. I estimate I have spent over 20 hours of my time trying to get Comcast to resolve these issues. To be sure, they've made progress, but the inbound calls still going to AT&T annoys the crap out of me. It's one of the most basic aspects of phone service, and to think they can't get it right amazes me. I'm surprised these poor people in the call centers don't know me by name. (maybe they do...)
So I called Comcast again today (after being told last night that I had to call during business hours to get the group that could "finally" resolve my problem. The agent said she would create a new trouble ticket. I asked her how many open tickets I already had, and then said that I've been complaining about this problem for weeks, and she need to open ANOTHER one?
Basically, the agent said it "should" be resolved within 24 hours. I told her that if it's not, then Comcast lost another customer. The bad news is that my only other option is Qwest DSL...perhaps more harrowing tales will follow. Check back for updates.
Edit: 30+ hours later...still not fixed. I don't have time to switch to Qwest, but it looks like that's what I will be doing.
I hate WalMart, too. I wanna hear why you do.
Good question: there are a few reasons which I'll list in descending order.
5. Most stores are cluttered making the stores appear messy. Some stores are just downright un-navigatable because of all the stuff. in the aisles or falling off the shelves
4. Virtually every Wal-Mart I've been to has a different layout. Getting in/out quickly is virtually impossible. Signage (if present) is sub-par to assist in finding areas I need to stop.
3. Perhaps this is just me, but in my experiences Wal-Mart draws the clientelle where parents slap their kids around, yell at them, etc. Virtually every experience I have there has this happen. This annoys and disturbs me - so why bother? Conversely, I shop frequently at Target, get the same products at similar or better prices, and don't have to deal with this.
2. Target is more convenient to shop. I have 3 SuperTargets closer to me than any Wal-Marts. Why go further to shop at Wally World?
1. I realize all major companies have "issues." It's just that Wal-Mart seems to have more of them than any competitors (like Target). Forced (unpaid) overtime, nominal (at best) health insurance, strong-arm tactics with their vendors are some of the recent problems that have come to mind. In other words, they seem to be a quite a bully.
These are just my thoughts...no one should take these as political or socialogical statements or a dig on anyone who DOES shop at Wal-Mart.
5. Same problem here. Aside from that, WalMart is always out of at least one thing on my list. Exotic items like trash bags and size 4 diapers are apparently difficult to keep in stock.
4. They do this on purpose. The longer you are in the store, the more you spend.
3. You should see the clientele over here at WalMart O' The Boonies. I have CPS on my cellphone speed dial.
2. Our nearest Target is a 1-hour drive. *sniff, sniff*
1. You mean the way they bullied our small-town city council who voted not to approve the Sprawling Cancer's lust for a corn field outside the city?
BTW, I do shop at WalMart, mostly because I have few other options. But we're working on decreasing our WalMart dependence.
I did read this several days ago. Interesting. I'd been wondering about Comcast phone service. I still have Embarq (formerly Sprint) landline service altho I use my cell much more. For about $26 per month my landline is only marginally worthwhile. My Comcast cable TV and Internet service has been good, altho I've only had it for about six months since my old cable company was bought out. So far, no complaints tho. Embarq has a deal where you can get DSL/satellite TV and phone service for less than what I am paying now for all three. Tempting but I don't have a problem with my current service except for the price so I'm reluctant to switch. As long as I get cable TV and Internet service from Comcast they give me a $10 discount for the combo. Decisions.
RE #5: I haven't had this experience locally. The stores I've been to are tidy and clean. This is where WM has spanked K-Mart. Are you sure you aren't thinking of the latter?
RE:#4: Again, not my experience. Layouts are sufficently similar.
RE:#3: I haven't noticed this much. I suppose it happens butI haven't seenit that much. What bothers me more is that WM is SO popular that the parking lots and stores are often too crowded for my comfort.
RE:#2: I like Target too, but the opposite is true for me regarding convenient locations.
RE:#!: I think you HEAR more about WM problems thanother stores' but only because WM is the biggest retailer in the world and is a bulls-eye for anyone looking for a story. I bet Target has its share of scandolous issues but just doesn't get the press that WM does. Plus, one man's "bully" is another man's hero for getting the lowest price for its customers.
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