My brother likes to collect T-shirts. He collects them like I used to collect baseball cards when I was growing up. He doesn't NEED any more T-shirts - yet when he heard that I had to be in Ausin, TX this week for work, he asked me to pick one up from a local running store called RunTex.
Well, since T-shirts are a relatively "safe" addiction, I figured why not and make him happy. (though the jury is out whether this will make his WIFE happy. ;-)) But I love the guy so I might as well show it. :-) So I went out of my way (about a 1 mile walk each way) to get this for him. (It's the only souvenir I got on the whole trip...)
You're forgiven....again, but you're pushing your luck, bro.
Hey, is that the new carpet???? Nice stuff!
Wowwww!!! I could just hug you right now . . . in that ultra manly, brother to brother kind of way. Hopefully you got it in a XXXL so I can still wear it after my running days are over and I let myself go.
By the way, leave it to my wife to notice the CARPET when you have an awesome shirt like that featured in a photo.
Yo amo mi camiso . . . orange.
Honey, please don't EVER try to speak Spanish again.....ever.
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