I came across this new product while scanning my favorite tech blog Gizmodo today. Normally, I'm not for cutting corners, but after being in Wisconsin Dells and making my fair share of pancakes last weekend, the idea seems pretty appealing.
Basically, it takes the same idea as Readi-whip in a can, but sprays out USDA certified organic batter that becomes tasty pancakes or waffles. The convenience and presumed tidiness compared to having the inevitable batter drips around the griddle seem to overcome the awkwardness of using a pressurized can.
I can also see this being an ideal solution for camping trips - presuming one has access to to cooler to keep it refridgerated.
One can reportedly makes 8 pancakes, so I'm guessing the convenience will cost you. And be sure to post in your comments whether you'd buy this or not.
Check out their website to search for avaialability near you.
Can't do it man. They may not be as good as Mrs. Roosh's homemade pancakes but you don't have to refrigerate Bisquick...just add water!
Uh, that's easy, of course I'd buy it. I'd buy anything, as long as it meant I got to go shopping and buy other stuff!
Sounds like fun. The kids would probably get a kick out of it. Maybe they could even try to make some with me. Wonder if it tastes any good. Keep em' comin' bro.
That sounds awesome. That makes pancakes about as easy as cereal. Usually, having a "good" breakfast for me (assuming Jenny doesn't make it) involves waiting around long enough in the morning to gather enough energy and ambition that I make lunch.
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