Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I've no idea what game this is, but here goes...

Apparently I've been tagged by JRoosh. I've never heard of this game before now, but I think the rules are that you have to list at least 5 little-known facts about yourself. Here goes...

1. I have never been "dumped" by a girlfriend. (albeit, I haven't had very many...)
2. During high school, I ate a peanut butter and marshmallow creme sandwich EVERY day for lunch.
3. I have never sat on or ridden a real horse.
4. When I was 16, I got out of a speeding ticket because I was wearing a hot pink dress shirt and printed tie with burgers, soda pop, and french fries on it. The officer asked where I was going, and I said I was running late for work at the local grocery store (true) and he let me off with a warning. Even more amazing was that several of my friends all got tickets in the same area...
5. If I could learn an instrument, I'd want to play the drum set.
6. For "Career Day" during spirit week in high school, I went as a McDonald's burger flipper. (I previously had worked there 2 weeks, and put in my 2 weeks notice. I NEVER wanted to work there, but my mom forced me to get a job. The uniform was used and REAKED of fat and grease - and the smell NEVER washed out...) So glad that aspiration never worked out...

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