My college alma mater (and Nikki's) just closed their doors forever last week. Pillsbury College had been struggling or well over a decade, and finally had to close their doors for good to avoid going deeper into dept during these already uncertain financial times.
I have mixed feelings about it - the signs were there that this day might come, but it's still sad nonetheless.
I stopped by the school during a trip home from Des Moines for work in late October. It was a beautiful Fall evening, and the memories came flooding back.
The picture above is of "Old Main." This is the administration building, as well as the chapel/theater where I performed in several plays along with my senior speech recital.

This is a picture of the center of the campus. That's the dining hall straight ahead.

Here's a picture inside the library - one of my favorite places during my years at Pills. The furniture has been rearranged, but this is roughly where I'd sit for a couple hours a week reading the most recent magazines, newspapers, and periodicals - as well as doing some class reading. It was quiet - just the way I remembered it.

This is a view from the center of the campus looking out toward the soccer field where I placed for 4 seasons. Clearwaters Hall is on the right - this is where most of the faculty offices were located.

This is the men's dorm - where I lived for 3 years. Not much has changed inside, other than updating the furniture.