I promise I WILL eventually get to blogging the rest of our vacation, and other subsequent trips and events, but this one is pretty easy to blog about.
Last weekend, I was talking to a certain relative of mine, and his kids had been repeatedly asking if he would build them a tree house. It's not that this daddy didn't want to, but like most daddies, he knew his capabilities and limits - and decided this was a task that was better left undone (or better yet, avoided altogether).
So I read today about this shoo-in from Canada for "Intergalactic Daddy of the Year." Unlike most dad's, he DID build a treehouse for his kids, but he went all out to make it happen in just 15 months.
Consider the following from the original article from
The Record in Ontario, Cananda (via
It's equipped with electricity and cable TV. There's an intercom so Norris can talk to his kids if they're having a sleepover, and a urinal that drains into a pail beneath the structure.
A smoke detector is wired to the house, so family members can be alerted to any smoke, whether they're in the treehouse or not. A revolving light clicks on when the treehouse's trap door opens (where a rope ladder drops down).
Old fire horns that Norris snagged from the University of Waterloo blare if an intruder tries to break into the fort. "It sounds like an air-raid back in Berlin. But I had to do it for my peace of mind."
Even the family's Jack Russell-cross, Sammy, has his own ramp. Norris made it after the dog fell near the top of the wide, stair-like ladder.
The roof is sealed and welded on tight, and the floor is sturdy enough to hold an adult. Stephen sleeps in a loft bed, Ryan on a mini-futon and their father on a pull-down bed.
Wait, he didn't put a heater and/or air conditioner in there? Amateur...